Date : 29/04/2018 Time : 8:30 a.m. I learned about how to greet people and asking for their nationality.One of interesting things to know about is how to pronounce countries国家们 name in Chinese.Here are few videos that laoshi(老师) recommend and some from youtube. This is the one laoshi(老师) recommends us in online learning. This one is also interesting to be watched.I had many fun watching these videos. Some of country name that is common to me is : 中国 (zhong guo) -》 China 日本 (ri ben) -> Japan 美国 (mei guo) - > America 韩国 (han guo) -> South Korea 马来西亚 (ma lai xi ya) -> Malaysia 因都 (yin du)-> India 泰国 (tai guo)-> Thailand 应国 (ying guo) -> UK 发国(fa guo) -> France 新加坡(xin jia po) -> Singapore Till we met again.再见!